Watching my friends at Drama and cheering them on.I really enjoy going to Drama and watching them preform. Making some yummy pizzas to eat for lunch.I helped make the base and put all my chosen topping on top of the pizza it was so delicious.
Visiting the op shop and checking out all the clothes and what they have to sell. Having a nice cold sprite at the bowling club with my friends and playing cards and pool.
Having a relaxing time at the park with my friends throwing leaves all over us I really enjoyed getting leaves thrown on me. Having a nice ice cream in Rotorua after we went for a walk in the redwoods.
Having a nice ice cream with my friends down the lake front in Rotorua.i also went for a nice walk through the redwoods. Having a cuddle with my best friend Jo at the lake front in Rotorua.
Here I am helping to make some yummy fairy bread to share with my friends in cooking today. Playing a game of bowls in abilities unleashed in Greerton today with my friends.
Having a lot of fun dancing at I dance with my friends and practicing my concert moves. The day has finally come to preform my concert I’m very excited.i danced to Mily Cyrus