
Cooking and bakery

Here I am cooking some yummy chocolate cookies to share with my friends in coffee club today. Here I am at the bakery getting some food for my lunch at the bakery in Tepuke.  

Animates and bowling club

Here I am buying fish food for our fish at the centre and checking out all the fish swimming around in there tanks. Chilling with my friends at the bowling club having a sprite and playing pool.  

Library and pamper

Here I am at the library reading books and getting some out to read at storey time. In Pamper today I made flower hair clips and got my nail painted pink.  

Tauranga crossing visit and sensory

I visited Tauranga crossing and tried on all different hats and checked out all the cool things in look sharp and looked around in the shopping mall. Here I am in the sensory room at Tepuke high school checking out all the different lights and sensory things.  

Tepuke sensory and High tea

Here I am at Tepuke sensory listening to music and looking at all the lights around me. In Pamper group we had a Hight tea and enjoyed some yummy cakes that we had made.  

Van clean and warehouse visit

Here I am cleaning our red van and vacuuming the floor and washing all the windows I really enjoy helping to clean the vans. I visited the Warehouse today and bought some supplies for the centre and looked around at all the soft toys.