
Showing posts from July, 2024

Artist in the making

I absolutely enjoy getting my hands dirty. Here’s me painting at Abilities unleashed. It enables me to utilise my fine motor skills whilst doing something I really love.   

Pamper group and bowling club

I’m sorting out all our Pamper draws and I’m getting my own makeup draw with all my own makeup. Playing pool at the Te puke bowling club and having a nice cold sprite.  

Cooking and bakery

Here I am cooking some yummy chocolate cookies to share with my friends in coffee club today. Here I am at the bakery getting some food for my lunch at the bakery in Tepuke.  

Animates and bowling club

Here I am buying fish food for our fish at the centre and checking out all the fish swimming around in there tanks. Chilling with my friends at the bowling club having a sprite and playing pool.  

Library and pamper

Here I am at the library reading books and getting some out to read at storey time. In Pamper today I made flower hair clips and got my nail painted pink.